Angela Boyle promotes her own work as well as the work of others in Awesome 'Possum, her natural science anthology.

Effective Nerd
Aaron Iara, about Artema (written by Rachel Cholst)
Village Books
Village Books blog, a book store in Angela's hometown, Bellingham, WA, as part of her Awesome 'Possum 2 book tour
CanonWrite Productions
Kelci D Crawford, for the Less than Secret cryptid anthology Kickstarter
Ben Wright-Heuman, for the What the Gnomes Know anthology Kickstarter
High-Low: Thirty Days of CCS #17 (2018)
Rob Clough. Review of Artema #1, written by Rachel Cholst.
Optical Sloth: Artema #1
Kevin Bramer. Review of Artema #1, written by Rachel Cholst.
Jane Lindholm and Sam Gale Green.
Review of Ladybroad Ledger featuring Angela's comic.
The Comics Journal: It Is the Bad Time
Craig Fischer. Review of It is the Bad Time, including Angela's comic, "Spores."
High-Low: Thirty Days of CCS #12 (2015)
Rob Clough. Review of multiple CCS alums.
Awesome 'Possum reviews
To see reviews that are specifically about Awesome 'Possum volumes,
see the Awesome 'Possum website.