Latest Episode
What in the world could we be talking about next? Who knows?!
We've reviewed books and movies, talked biology (that is, science, in the grossest terms possible), and discussed our creative processes both separately and as a couple. So if you have nothing else better to do, give it a listen. Hopefully, your day will get better.

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the Show
We've known each other since 2001, been dating since 2003, and been married since 2019. And for some insane reason, we have just grown more fond of each other. In part, that is because we love discussing things, picking them apart, putting them together. And making fun of each other.
We love to read, watch movies, game, and knit (well, Angela does). But even better, we like to create. Photos, comics, paintings, stories. You can expect to hear all about our creative processes, our favorite facts and books, and our ongoing projects. And as life throws new challenges our way, we will talk about how we tackle that weirdness together.


Photographer, IT Support, Misanthropist, & Host

Artist, Ball-Buster, Web Designer, & Host